Saturday, November 18, 2006

Alice in Chains and Hurt

I am disapointed at one thing. I missed the chance to see Hurt ( at the A.I.C show in Souix Falls. Sokol is a pretty cool venue I haven't been there since going to see 311 when they still did local shows. I was excited about see A.I.C. again and also to get a chance to check out a band I haven't heard before. A band called "Hurt" They were awesome I was having a hard time trying to figure out who they sounded like. Was it live, disturbed, or tool? They had some elements of all 3 bands but enough to have there own sound. The band was kind enough to let people get pics and autographs after their set. I asked John and the other band members a few questions and shook hands. I hope they get big, good luck guys i will buy your cd's. I am having a hard time not playing the one i bought at the show. "Shallow" is a great song. I am even going to link you.

As for A.I.C. great show they played for ever and looked like they were having a great time. Acoustic?? I didn't know and I was surprised. I would go again. You want to know more? Buy tickets and see for yourself. You will not be disapointed.

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