Monday, December 18, 2006

Making a drop in the red bucket

I always hear the bell ringing it sticks in my head and tells me to throw a few bucks to the guy/gal/family that has less than I. I suppose you never think it could happen to you but it could. You could lose your house, or have a family member in a unforseen situation with nowhere to go.

That is why I throw the buck or two in. I don't feel guilty walking by I know I have given. I am not asking you to feel guilty. I am not asking you to give I am just saying think about it.

Those people ringing the bells are volunteers. i've done it before and it is quite rewarding. People smile when the donate it feels good. Funny thing though. Read this.

Conservatives charitably donate 30% more than liberals as a whole?

ABC reports on charitable donations: "It turns out that this idea that liberals give more …is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election... Turns out conservatives give about 30 percent more, [despite] making less money." Hopefully both can give more. (

Guess I made my point.

I also have been getting to listen to some awesome music lately if you haven't heard them yet check them out at (copy and paste). Riding will be short tommorow and this weekend mostly on the fixie. Well time to go....


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